DIWAN Hamburg – New member of Diwan Cologne e.V.

Before starting we would like to get rid of one big myth and send out a shout: Roots belong to trees – People can walk.

We have moved from one country to another – our parents have moved throughout history. We have left one place but found another; home is not only here but it can also be there. The story about people and their roots has been taken out of our lives – in a very early stage of our lives.

The result: “We northern lights with persian fire in our hearts” have achieved goals exactly because of this. We move among different cultures with ease and joy. Nevertheless we sometimes ask ourselves: how does German culture taste with a good portion of Iran in it, including to big scoops of bi-national identity and the joy of wandering throughout history?And because we are curios  we have joined “Diwan Cologne e.V.”.

Our invitations are not only for the so called Iranian community but also addressed towards are german friends and family members.

When we celebrate Noruz, then “our” Haji Firouz dances break dance. When we read Molana, we talk about Persian poetry and homosexuality. When we talk about identity politics – “we” invite our german-polish, germen-turkish and german-german friends to discuss with us. The philosophy of Diwan Cologne of being a place beyond political, religious or ideological differences is also our philosophy. In other words: the Hamburg branch of Diwan e. V. is willing to grow and build roots. Because when it comes to associations we believe in the good old story about trees and their roots…

A text by Marjan Parvand